
Monday, September 28, 2015

Supermoon Eclipse

A few photos from the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse last night.  It was a bit cloudy so not the clearest view.  By the time we saw the moon it was already cloaked in darkness.

The eclipse began to recede

People gathered in parks around the city but we stayed home and watched from the driveway.  City lights didn't interfere too much.  Over the next hour or so it turned red or the "Blood Moon".  

As the shadow of the earth passed over the moon the edge brightened.

Here's what we saw over an hour and a half, from total eclipse to emerging out of it.

This type of lunar eclipse won't happen again until 2033.  


  1. Oh, that is so cool. We had a thin haze also. It was amazing how bright the night was after the eclipse was over.

  2. Great photos, Shirley! Nice use of the Auto Awesome feature. :)

  3. Great photos, Shirley! We saw it as the moon was still rising here but had to use a telescope to get a good view when it was in full eclipse.

  4. Great pictures and wonderful time lapse video! We watched as well but I didn't try to take pictures. How cool that we all experienced this special event!

  5. Clouds and city lights interfered with with our view here just south and west of Austin. The real excitement was a fire in an empty house under renovation just down the street which had flashing emergency vehicle lights dancing around our walls from 2:30-4:00. It was dramatic lighting, just not the kind we'd hoped to see!

  6. Great pictures!!! I did not get any that good. We watched from the was a sight!

  7. Wonderful pictures...Houston was totally clouded over!

  8. We had to drive down to the end of the road to escape the towering trees. Got there a little late for the full effect, so really appreciate this.

  9. Awesome shots!!!! It was so cloudy here at the house we barely saw anything- the eclipse of course but not the color. Thanks for posting!!!

  10. I didn't see any of it because it was so cloudy. But we ended up with much needed rain instead and that was fine by me. Beautiful photos!


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