
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day June 2014

It's the 15th of June and time join Carol of May Dreams Gardens and many other garden bloggers to show what's blooming in the garden as we head into summer.

We've had some much needed rain here in San Antonio recently which has treated us to plenty of blooms.

Bougainvillea adds bright color to the circle garden with very early blooms this year.

They were set down side by side when we brought them out of winter dormancy with the intent to move them to other spots in the garden but I find the orange/magenta contrast fun.

Continuing around the circle garden, Narrowleaf Zinnia mixed with taller native Zexmenia.  Native purple prairie verbena in the background.

 Gomphrena 'Strawberry Fields' in the foreground and a view of how things are looking this June.

Another native, Gregg's Blue mistflower, beginning to bloom with Teucrium fruticans, purple germander blooms to the left.

Salvia Darcyii, another beautiful Texas native salvia.

Achillea 'Moonshine' behind the Salvia Darcyii.

Bat-faced cuphea against the fence.  This is their third spot in the garden trying to keep them in the sunshine and away from the munching deer.  I think we've found it now.

Teucrimum canadense, American or Canada Germander which has been just amazing in its growth this year.  Deer won't touch it and bees love it so I'll propagate more of these to share and spread all around the garden.

Nepeta 'Walker's Low' which I continue to add for softening the rock edges of the garden.

Peter's Purple Monarda which has been a wonderful surprise since most monarda needs too much water to thrive in my garden.  I've heard it really takes over and I'm looking forward to that.

I've added Blackfoot Daisy to a sunny agave bed and like the way it helps soften the look.

Around front the aloe continues to spread out in the gravel garden and has produced several bloom stalks already this season.

Just a few of the blooms we have in the garden this June and you can see even more blooms by checking out the links at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. Lots of pretties in your garden, Shirley. Love that American germander--I grew it in the Green Garden at Zilker, but don't have any of my own. It's an excellent plant. And your bougainvillaea--so beautiful! Happy blooms!

    1. It has done very well in part shade so it would work in your garden too.

  2. Glad to hear that you guys had some much needed rain, and looking at what's currently in bloom your garden looks very happy with after it's much needed drink :)

    1. I like that, the garden does look happy with all the rain.

  3. Th American/Canadian germander is a new plant to me. As I love the germanders for their reliability in the Texas heat I must look for it at the nurseries. Lots of lovely natives in your garden. What would Texas be without them? Happy Bloom Day, Shirley.

    1. It is amazing how many of those are natives and how good they look in the garden.

  4. I love that Blackfoot daisy... So simple and cheerful. I may have to go look for one myself. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful views of your garden!

  5. Happy GBBD, Shirley! I envy you the rain. We have a few overlaps among our plants - Bougainvillea likes it here, as does most Cuphea, Teucrium and Achillea but I haven't been at all successful with Monarda, which I love. I'm currently trying a 2nd variety of Nepeta after my first failure but the results are mixed thus far - it's surviving rather than thriving (and a neighbor's cat has already eaten one plant nearly to the ground).

  6. Your garden is so colorful, Shirley! Especially I love 'Strawberry Fields' , have never seen it before and would like to have it in my garden as well. Salvia, monarda, Bougainvillea --- all these flowers are so pretty, I'm waiting for their blooming too.
    Happy GBBD!

  7. Love your two Bougainvilleas left together! Lots of great flowers out celebrating the rainfall! Happy GBBD Shirley!

  8. Your bouganvillea is so flamboyant, very flashy. You have been finding so many natives that fit in so well.

  9. I'm seeing that germander around Austin and it is loving the rain we've gotten this year - but didn't know what it was. I read someplace it wants a fair amount of water - will it survive with watering restrictions or is it best in a spot where it can be hand watered and babied a bit? It is so pretty - I think I'd head out into the heat with the hose for that one!

  10. Oh, I'm glad you found a safe spot for the Cuphea--it's much too pretty to be chomped away! You have some beautiful plant combinations, Shirley. I LOVE Bougainvillea, and the combination of colors is refreshing!

  11. Your orange/magenta combo tickles me. The first time i saw it was in 'An American in Paris'. It was shocking at the time. How lucky to find something that is both deer-proof AND lovely.

  12. I love your Bougainvilleas, I wish I could grow them here but haven’t really got anywhere safe to keep them overwinter. It would be tempting to try to just leave them in the garden, it would certainly have been fine the winter just gone, but that was a rather unusual winter.
    Loved your combination or magenta and orange, what a zingy contrast!

  13. Shirley such beautiful blooms especially that first combo!


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