
Sunday, September 15, 2013

A very special birthday wish

The sweetest, dearest, best mother-in-law in the world is celebrating her 85th birthday today.  Since she reads my blog, I think it would be fun to wish her a Happy Birthday here.

We were speaking with her on the phone recently when I spotted a rainbow.  Rainbows don't wait so I grabbed my camera and headed out with the phone while I snapped photos.

I mentioned that I would post the rainbow, but put it on Facebook instead.  A week or so later she asked about the rainbow.  Oops, she doesn't do Facebook so here, by special request, are the rainbow photos.

We got no rain that day, just the clouds and a rainbow to the east.  She won't notice the clouds because she looks for the best in everyone and every situation.

She still lives on the beautiful Pennsylvania farm where they raised four great kids, including my wonderful husband.  Her garden produces the yummiest fresh veggies and sweet corn so amazingly good I rarely eat it anywhere else.  My brother-in-law helps keep the garden now and these photos are courtesy of my sister-in-law.

The best blueberry pie ever is one fresh from her garden.  Three different types of blueberries, early-mid-late season ripening for the longest harvest.

No tomato tastes as good as one picked and eaten while still warm from the sun.   These photos were taken in early summer, but I can imagine all the ripe tomatoes there now.  So many she taught me to make tomato sauce and can it one summer.  Of course she sent a few jars home with us--so good!

So dear Marguerite, enjoy these rainbow photos and have a beautiful day...we'd love to be there to celebrate with you.  We'll see you soon though.

Happy Birthday!  We love you!


  1. What a sweet post! Happy Birthday, Marguerite!

  2. What a beautiful place! Happy B-day Marguerite!

  3. I know the feeling...rainbows without rain! But what a contrast from your place to her's in PA.

  4. Happy birthday to your Mom-in-law! My own Mom would have been 85 this year. :)

  5. Shirley, Thank You for the wonderful blog. We really enjoyed reading it and thanks to all your friends wishes. I did have a wonderful Day. Love You Mom

  6. How lucky to have such an incredible woman in your life! She sounds like a gem. :o)

  7. Shirley, I just saw this and was just delighted to see both the rainbow photos and your sweet and loving tribute to your mother-in-law. Both you and Marguerite are blessed to have one another! Happy Birthday to a fellow gardener!

  8. Marguerite looks like a woman who loves life and deserves all the affection you have expressed here. Down with mother-in-law jokes...up with mother-in-laws.

  9. Awe! Happy Birthday Marguerite! Awesome veggie garden~!

  10. What a wonderful post for a clearly wonderful mother-in-law!

  11. Thank you all for would wonderful comments, we all appreciate them so very much!


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