
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day: December 2012

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day for December 2012 finds plenty of blooms in the garden even with two freezes this past week.

Bougainvillea, light and deep pink mixed in the same container look great considering they are not too hardy and I forgot to cover them.

Dicliptera resupinata from the canyons of New Mexico and Arizona blooms through heat, drought, and cold.  These blooms are tiny and not showy, but I appreciate their year round toughness.

Pink Penta by the back door, the blooms have slowed down on this plant which will survive all but the coldest winters.

Red shrimp plant 

Gomphrena 'Little Grapes' with its tiny purple pom poms.  They look much the same even when the blooms are drying on the stems.


These gomphrena surprised me since I thought the two freezes would knock them back.  It's not raining here.  The leaves are wet because we've had two cloudy, misty, and foggy days in a row.  A most unusual occurrence in this typically sunny part of the world.

Gomphrena 'Fireworks' going to seed still looks intriguing.

Salvia 'Indigo Spires' in a protected spot are fading.  One Rusellia 'Red Rocket' bloom pushes its way in.

Woolly bee brush planted from a small cutting in the spring grew big enough to bloom this year.

Four-nerve daisy (L) and Copper Canyon daisy(R) in the front yard.

This green vine appears on the oak trees out front each December.  It blooms in red and other colors to brighten up our evenings.

For more blooms from around the world check out May Dreams Gardens.


  1. Do you know the Latin name of that green vine with the pretty red/multicolored nocturnal blooming habit? I think it might be growing on some trees around here as well but I can't seem to locate it in the vine section of the nursery.
    Gomphrena 'Little Grapes' is so sweet and airy. All three of your Gomphrena varieties are gorgeous & make me want to find a place for some in my garden next summer.

    1. I'm guessing Lightis wirus 'LED' on the vine.

  2. It seems like it's spring with everything that's blooming around us isn't it. Love the pics.

    1. It has been odd with both above and below average temps. Sometimes in the same day.

  3. Ooh to have beautiful!

    1. Bougainvillea should grow in Portland. It's surprisingly hardy and will go dormant in winter. I just toss mine in the garage for a few weeks.

  4. Wow, I can't believe that all that flowers bloom in winter! Your photos are beautiful!! Thank you for sharing:)

    1. This is probably the last of the flower show until March, we'll see how cold we get.

  5. Your photos make everything look good, but I am especially smitten with the shrimp flower.


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