
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ragna's Garden: Ready for its close-up

Tomorrow the crew from Central Texas Gardener a local gardening show produced by KLRU, the PBS station in Austin, will visit my friend Ragna's garden for a segment of the show.

Last week I stopped by to help with last-minute staging.  The garden is ready, not surprising since it's always ready.   I was there at the end of last winter when most of the plants were dormant and her garden still looked wonderful.
In honor of the occasion, I'm sharing a few of the photos I took last Friday.

The view from the back door.  Ragna glued shells around the mirror on the left.

The vine is "Love in a Puff", the blooms are pretty lanterns

Inside each lantern are seeds with perfect heart shapes on them.  The heart is shown here with the point to the left.  So beautiful.

Sweet almond blooms, which do smell like almonds, and bougainvillea

A beautiful, peaceful garden.  Of course, I'll post an alert and link when the segment airs.


  1. This will be a must-see CTG segment! She may have out-eclecticed Austin gardens, or perhaps raised the bar on that. I bet that's great to know her and have some degree of involvement!

    1. Ragna has set the bar quite high for romantic eclecticism. The garden has been on tour in years past, but it is just too much work for them now. I am so glad CTG is documenting it for us.

  2. What a gorgeous garden. Thank you for giving us a sneak peek. The "Love in a Puff" vine is so pretty. Love the lanterns. They are so exotic looking.

    1. Glad you enjoyed yet another tour. I did get some seeds so I can plant them myself.

  3. Oh my, so much to love. The huge cage, reclining buddha,great plants, pots...YOWASA! Each picture is more gorgeous than the last. I love it all.

    1. It is like that in person too. Imagine trying to decide between overview and details and then what to share on the blog.

      The buddha shares with a stone elf and a few different things.

  4. Finding this entry in my inbox early this morning was a surprise! Thanks Shirley.

    Well, the greatly anticipated (for me at least) 'shoot' is over. A more open, friendly, personable crew could not be found anywhere. Ed, Linda, and Rodney made it a lot of fun.

    It poured down rain right before they arrived around 8:20 AM. We got half an inch, but the skies had pretty much cleared up by the time they started filming. The umbrella was brought out to cover the camera only a couple of times. But whatever the case we never complain about when and how much it rains in Texas -- centainly not after the grueling summer of 2011 and not much before that!

    All in all it was a very pleasant experience.

    And many thanks to all for your nice comments about the garden.


    1. Oh, I'm so glad it went well. I knew it would of course.

      We had rain here too so I wondered how that would work. The slightly cloudy skies probably helped the crew.

  5. How fun that your friend is going to be featured! Yes post a link when, would love to see it! "Love in a Puff" Ha. love it. Great shots!

  6. Thank you Kacky, Ragna and I may be up your way in a few weeks. If we go past Vivero before closing we'll stop and shop.

  7. This is the type of garden created by a weaver of dreams.
    "Love in a Puff" I am intrigued do you know the botanical name?

    1. It's Cardiospermum halicacabum, also known as "Balloon Plant". The little heart seeds were popular with Victorian ladies.


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