
Monday, May 14, 2012

GBBD May 2012: Mexican Hat Wildflowers

For Garden Blogger's Bloom Day (GBBD) May 2012 I'm featuring Mexican Hat (Ratibida columnifera) wildflowers.  These common wildflowers here in south central Texas are currently blooming in my back yard.  With their high rounded crowns, it's easy to see why they are commonly known as Mexican Hats.  A striking color combination of gold and red.

The color pattern of the flowers on this plant are quite different from the others

Wildflowers are the best flowers for this sunny, rocky slope where little else will reliably grow.

For several years we've been collecting seeds from neglected and undeveloped commercial spots around the edges of our neighborhood and scattering them in the toughest part of the yard to create a wildflower meadow in this existing patch of buffalo grass.

That effort is beginning to pay off with blooms like these.

Join Carol of May Dreams Gardens and bloggers from around the world as we celebrate what's blooming in our gardens on the 15th of each month.


  1. Tough plant. We actually have a areas where they grow in the prairie in Kansas. Always enjoyed "hat".

    1. Looks like a great plant to have around. I've never seen them before and they DO look like Mexican hats. Fun:)

    2. They are fun and tough natives.

  2. I'm delighted to see this plant. In my search for tough plants this one came up as a possible. So I bought some seed (probably garden origin, it germinated easily and I have 60 plants waiting to go in the garden. I know 60 is excessive for an experiment, but I didn't expect them all to germinate! I hope they survive, but even if they flower once it will be worth it!

    1. They are definitely tough and I'd love to see the blooms on your rocky island.

  3. Very Nice! I love Mexican Hat! It is so wonderful the way to moves with the breeze. One of my favorite Texas wildflowers! Happy GBBD!

    1. They sway in the slightest of breeze which made taking photos of them an interesting challenge.

  4. So pretty Shirley - I really like that you have different kinds of Mexican hat colors! Neato!
    I am wishing I took pictures yesterday for my first is POURING over here by the airport....I mean pouring! Good for the garden though. Have a great GBBD :)

    1. I do take photos a day or two early most of the time, usually so I can get the best light.

  5. This is one of the few wildflowers we have here. I'm thinking it's because the deer eat all the others.
    We have three different 'styles' of hats. I love them all.

    Happy Bloomday...

    1. I need to go searching for different ones so I can have them all in the yard. The deer ignore them.

  6. In the UK this is grown as a hardy annual garden plant. Never thought of it as a wildflower before. Happy GBBD.

    1. It's a native wildflower here and is commonly found in the toughest of locations like the utility easement behind my house.

  7. I had Mexican Hats one year from a packet of mixed wildflowers.
    Beautiful, unusual blooms!
    Happy gardening!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lea, your blog is lovely and I enjoyed reading it.


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