
Friday, January 27, 2012

Propagation Class - The Next Step

Some of the plants from the propagation class had developed very long roots and were ready to move on to the next grade level.

I was concerned the roots would dry out so yesterday I moved 28 of them to 4" pots and the rest will continue growing in the original cell tray for a few more weeks.

All of them will be brought indoors at night until it is consistently warmer.

It's a pain to carry stuff in and out so we have a plan for a screen house to winter over plants in the future.  It should be finished this summer, right after we finish updating the bathrooms and kitchen!

You can read about my trip to pick up the rooted cuttings here.


  1. Look at all those great plants! You have a good head start.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Linda, you have a great weekend too.

      I plan to share all the steps in this process. It might even take a couple years for some of them to bloom so I'll have plenty to post about for quite a while.

  2. What progress! I love that the little Gomphrena insist on blooming already!

    1. That Gomphrena blooming was such a surprise. Winter blooming plants are something I'm working on adding.

  3. Nice work! I know it all takes time, but it's kinda fun as well:)

  4. This is a nice collection you have. Hope you are enjoying this fabulous weather we are having. Makes me want to get out in the garden and plant something:)

    1. Thanks, we were outside almost all weekend. It was so beautiful!

  5. Isn't it just wonderful when the babies take off, and I see some are flowering already! They're obviously enjoying their time outdoors. I can see that you will certainly make good use of your screen house when it's finished!

    1. Yes, it's been fun. We have so many projects inside and out and the list keeps growing...

  6. How wonderful to have little babies! They seem to be coming along nicely. I know 'mama' is proud! ;)

    1. Proud indeed, now I'm trying to finagle a mister system so I can do my own.

  7. Hi that a new header I see! VERY COOL! I like it!!!
    My favorite garden chore is to propagate plants. However, I'm too much of a perfectionist...I hate losing even ONE plant. I'm trying to get over this.


    P.S. Welcome to Blotanical. I left you some messages to try to help you figure some of it out. Next time you visit your 'PLOT' and then click on the PICK tab, go to MINE(NEW) has a red color. You can then see who picked your posts. It's a nice compliment and fun when you get a pick. I'm always pleasantly surprised when I get one. Happy Growing!
    :0) David

    1. The header is new and I started with larger photos in January. I'll keep updating as I find new ways.

      I think I'm all set on Blotanical now and even have the badge. Thanks for inviting me David.

  8. I don't like bringing things in either, but I guess it is worth it sometimes. I am planning on sowing some seeds indoors very soon, so I will be taking them out and bringing them back in as well. I like your posts and your blog, so I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award in my last post. Enjoy!

  9. Good job! I'm just glad we have so many desirable plants germinate around here, I don't have to propogate a thing. Though I do hand-sow a bit...

    1. I must be an impatient gardener since I rarely go with seeds!


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