
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wildlife Wednesday December 2015

When I first began posting for Wildlife Wednesday I figured it would be easy to come up with a few bird photos each month along with butterflies during the summer months so I dove right in when Tina at "My gardener says..." started up this meme.  Now each month I'm amazed to see the range of wildlife attracted to my increasingly urban garden setting.

Let's see what's been visiting my garden the last few weeks.

Foxes have been sighted more often as we get deeper into fall.  I walked past the kitchen door and saw her looking in at me, grabbed the camera and ran outside.  By then she was under the deck.  When she heard me she jumped out and ran away after a moment or two of curiosity.  Foxes run with all four legs in unison so they appear to skim across the ground and can run about 30 mph.

And now it's 'dillo time!  When it comes to iconic Texas animals, the armadillo is certainly right up there with the Longhorn.  We startled a sleeping armadillo and the chase was on.

This way....

and that way...

After trying the garage door looking to escape through what probably appeared to be an opening.

Galloping through the flower bed.  Oh that face!

Now around back of the garage.

The poor little guy finally wedged itself in by the trash cans to wait for dark and we decided we'd had enough 'dillo chasing fun for one day.

The incident reminded me of the days when when chasing armadillos could keep me and my friends busy for quite a while.  Fascinating and prehistoric looking, it's a good thing we never caught one.

Monarchs returned to the butterfly garden at the Warrior and Family support center where I volunteer each week.

An unusual sight, we had fun watching this pair mate for a while.


Still gawking.....

From the beautiful to the not quite so unless you are a snake fan.  A small Texas Rat Snake ended up in the bottom of a tub we keep out for rain water collection.  Yes, this is a small one since they can get quite large and eat a lot.  We have so many around that I'm surprised there are any toads or anoles left.  Rat snakes like to pretend they're rattlers even shaking their tail vigorously.  He was deposited near the shed to do some useful work.

The deer have been active with mating season.  Bucks are good at camouflage.  Somehow they know that sticks can disguise antlers.

So is this doe.  Find her yet?

Caught in the act of eating my Mexican Orchid -- and right through the protective fencing

She's off to join the rest of the herd.  Hey, try some cacti before you go!

The rest of the herd is over at the neighbor's yard heading out of town.  One of the quirks of my neighborhood is the tan house just two doors over is in a different town!  Don't miss the two on the far right.

For more wildlife in the garden head on over to "My gardener says..." for Wildlife Wednesday.


  1. A nice array of wildlife, Shirley. Isn't it amazing how much is around, living/eating/breeding when one takes the time to notice? The fox was great! We had foxes in our 'hood a couple of years ago and they were a real treat to observe. I also love the snake. I know lots of folks don't like them, but I find them really beautiful, especially rat snakes. And, of course, always good to see Monarchs and deer. Well, maybe not the deer so much. :) Thanks, as always, for participating in Wildlife Wednesday--I always look forward to your posts.

    1. It's always fun to participate and I'm always surprised at how much I come up with each month.

  2. What luck with the fox!

    We have a wildlife cam up in our yard, down by the pond. We were trying to catch the beavers and otters that are in our pond! I saw the beaver up close about two years ago, got several great photos of it as well. When we moved in we wondered why there was mesh around the trees down there, thinking they were for the deer. Well, the beavers let us know why. ;)

    That buck is handsome!

    1. We had beavers in our pond in Virginia and they are hard to spot though I did hear them slap the water a few times. They are destructive if you like wooded lots.

  3. Oh Shirley, brilliant post, you have incredible wildlife right on your doorstep. The Armadillo was a real surprise to see in your garden. The snake though, I am just glad we do not have anything like that here!

    1. Snakes are very common in Texas so learning about them is part of growing up here.

  4. Those photos of the armadillo are glorious! I wish we had them; you can keep the snake, beautiful though it is. Am I missing something? Why is your next-door-but-one neighbour's house in a different town? Are they 15 miles away or something?

    1. We are typical side by side suburban lots, about 1/2 acre each. The city limit line runs right where the deer are standing between the two houses. Along the rest of the street the lots are divided back to back so when neighbors talk over the back fence they're in two different towns!

  5. Wow Shirley you have some wonderful your fox. Different than my red fox....and monarchs...sigh! I have never seen an armadillo...fascinating....and lots of deer. Our big flock seems to have dwindled to one deer. Perhaps because of the harsh winter last year.

    1. Armadillos are fun and basically harmless. I've never seen one try to bite. The gray fox is native to our area so it's more common. Some times of year they have more red. Harsh winters do keep the population down but even a harsh winter here would be mild in most of the country.

  6. That was a fun post, Shirley! I did have difficulty seeing the doe in the first photo - she blended in well. The arrival of a whole company of deer must be a little disconcerting, though - I know they can wreak havoc in gardens.

  7. You have the coolest garden visitors! Well, except for that snake. Having never lived around them, they make me nervous.

  8. Funny looking creature the 'dillo', not the cutest but interesting to see - thanks for showing.
    And great capture of the Monarchs mating - life must go on :)

  9. I go to work pretty early and in the pre-dawn light I saw a fox run through the nursery out into the parking lot to the creek area across the street. Mind you the nursery is in suburban Arlington so I was surprised but not. Isn't amazing that those butterflies do quite the dance and still manage to fly away. Maybe the dance is not the tangle those wing sounds let us believe...

  10. Lots of activity in your garden, Shirley. A buck has been active in mine, antlering and nearly destroying a giant hesperaloe that had finally reached a lovely size. Argh! I've put out electric-shock deer deterrents for the second year in a row. Last year, no damage. This year I wasn't quick enough with getting them out there.


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