
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Gone Junkin' in Round Top Part 2: JG World HQ

We're on a "junket" to Round Top, Texas and Texas Antiques Week.  In my last post we drove down through Round Top past miles and miles of stuff until we spotted the "can't miss it" pink suburban known as "Large Marge" and turned in through the winged gates for Junk Gypsy World HQ, the home of the Junk Gypsies of TV fame.

I enjoy their flea market-meets-cowgirl style so we just had to stop.

First we'll explore the grounds a bit.  The Junk Gypsy retail store is right up front.

Amie's Pink Cottage just behind the parking lot was featured in one episode

Must be Jolie's new house.

Longhorns in the pasture.

More Large Marge.

Celebrity sightings are common in Round Top so it's no surprise to spot Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert (in happier days) driving by with a glamper, their latest acquisition (check out the link).

I really enjoyed checking out the garden truck

Well done from every angle

Painted tire planter with Petunias

It all works

A corner garden at the building showed off more outdoor JG style.

I saw a vendor selling these copper cupulas.  If I had a place for one, I might have stopped.

The Front Porch Series was in full swing with Kylie Rae Harris singing her own songs.

We sat and listened to her awesome voice for quite a while.  The live music series continues this month, check this link for details.

Loved the front of the building!

That's not really Earl, it's Jolie and she looks just the same as on TV.

They were Introducing a new JG chalk paint line and at this point I'm beginning to come down with a case of the "too cutes".

Inside I took a few photos

Then the cuteness of it all got to me.  I needed to get back on the road and see real junk that hasn't already been painted up, real junk that will capture my imagination.  Now don't take that all wrong, I think their style is fabulous.  The windmill blade ceiling fan from their show is surely a candidate for the flea market hall of fame.  They are smart to sell all those logo T-shirts and take this junking thing as far as it will go.  I'm still watching each and every new episode.  It's just that I have to go find my own stuff.  In JG words, "The Flea Market is Calling and I must go".

Even the Porta-potties were cute.  Seriously?

Open during Antiques Week and limited hours the rest of the year.

We headed home along I-10 and watched the wildflowers and trucks zip by.

One of the best years in recent memory for Texas wildflowers.  I still have wildflower photos from our trip which I might just post this winter to fill the time until spring.

Round Top was fun and I'd love to go back again.  The show runs twice yearly and is open again now through October 4, 2015.


  1. I was overwhelmed by the Long Beach Flea Market so I can only imagine the impact this extravaganza would have had on me. You didn't say what you brought home - surely, there must have been something?!

    1. I brought home three antique olive oil jars and an olive bucket.
      Check out Part 1 to see the story on those.

  2. The Cute factor was ramped all the way up to 11, that's for sure. Those copper cupolas though...they were really striking. I'm with Kris - what did YOU buy to bring home? You always manage to find things that are attractive without being too froufrou... no treasures this trip?

    1. I put that in Part One


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