
Friday, June 15, 2012

GBBD June 2012 - Three Special Tropical Blooms

It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (GBBD) hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.  For June 2012 I'm focusing on three special blooms, each with its own story.

This gorgeous canna bloom is the most amazing shape, color, and scent.  The story behind it makes it even more special.

It was grown from seeds sent to a gardening friend here in San Antonio by a gardener in Trinidad and Tobago who enjoys creating new cannas for his collection by cross pollinating.  About a year ago Barbra divided the plants and shared a few with me.  I call this canna 'Trinidad" but it has no official name.  The flower is a soft pink and curves downward more than most cannas.

The new flowers unfurl in a pattern similar to a bird of paradise.  The sweet tropical scent is a bonus.


This vigorous spreader and prolific bloomer is not fussy either.  I typically grow cannas in pots on the deck for summer color.  Here in zone 8b I can leave cannas out all winter.

The Night Blooming Cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) has had several blooms this week.  This one is from last night and I didn't get out there to check until this morning but I still enjoy seeing the blooms in their various stages.

This is the first time I've grown the night blooming cereus and the cuttings were passalongs from Ragna. These were stuck in a pot back in May and ignored so it's very easy to grow here though it does need winter protection.

This is a Sanseveria bloom and there are two at once in this pot on the deck.  It's a first ever for me to see one of these bloom.

Sanseveria was one of the plants I grew in my room back in high school so I've grown many of these over the years.   Since none have ever bloomed for me it was indeed a surprise and special event.  This plant was shared with me by gardening friend Patty.

The blooms are lily shaped and delicate.  The sanseveria will only bloom once at each cluster though the foliage does not die after blooming and will continue to create offsets that will eventually bloom.

Three special blooms on three special plants from three special gardening friends makes for a special Garden Bloggers Bloom Day!

Join Carol at May Dreams Gardens as bloggers from around the world share their blooms on the 15th of each month.


  1. Oh what a fun bloomday post! Lovely flowers and great history. I've got a Sanseveria that's bloomed twice (I've had it for about 10 years), the first time I couldn't believe it, those little flowers pack quite a scent too!

  2. I agree with you 100 percent!! I LOVE all 3 of these plants. The canna for it's strength in the sun....the blooms are bonus. The Night Cereus is of course my favorite of the 3. It does need to be protected from winter frost. Last year I lost my "vine" and I was very very sad. And the 3rd is special for its own actually got this plant to bloom! That doesn't happen often. Good for you! Great plants here as well.

  3. Plants and friends just seem to go together, don't they? That second canna photo is splendiferous.

  4. I've grown sanseveria a long time, too. And, never had a bloom. Wish mine would. That's pretty.
    I love that canna. Such a different, pretty color. And, it has a scent? I don't think I ever noticed a scent in cannas. I have one about to bloom. I'll check it out.
    Happy Bloomday.

    1. This is the first scented canna I have noticed and it is subtle. I plan to check the other types as they bloom.

  5. aloha,

    what a fun tour of your garden, i loved seeing the sanseverria blooms, haven't seen that have alot of beautiful blooms in your garden, thanks for sharing them :)

  6. Wonderful blooms highlighted today. That Canna is indeed very special. What a brilliant colour! Sanseveria bloom when they a little more mature, and here in the tropics the flowers are quite a common sight on the older plants. I'm fortunate enough to have a clump of them and they often have flower spikes. The Night Cereus is just beautiful. That's a plant I'm not familiar with at all.

  7. Nice blooms for June. I love that night blooming cereus and the Sanseveria.

  8. I'm extremely impressed with the canna. You should call it 'Monet".

    1. It is a beautiful color especially since most canna flowers are much brighter.

  9. Wonderful photos and such a lovely collored canna! Larry

  10. I've never grown Sanseveria - rather cruelly known in the UK as Mother-in-law's tongue) but I may see if I can locate a plant on our next trip to the big island!
    I love the association of friends and plants - can't always remember the plant names but I always remember if a plant was a gift from a friend.

    1. The sanseveria is known by that other name here too but I haven't used that one in years.

      I do remember my plants according to friends and related events more than their actual names. I didn't start tagging plants until I began blogging last fall.

  11. oh, what fun to receive a nod in your blog, Shirley ! I love sanseverias and was quite surprised when I saw my first bloom. Who knew ?! I will hope that your canna grows quickly so that I may ask for a tuber at one of next year's swaps. My pink canna died earlier this year. They seem to be less hardy than my others. Too bad you missed the cereus the night before. They are such perfect blossoms !

    Stay cool.

    1. Of course Patty, I've mentioned my generous gardening friends before and decided to go with names this time.

      I should have extra of the pink canna for you by this fall. Remind me when the time comes.

  12. I love that you have blooms that all originated from gardening friends. That really is special. I especially love the 'trinidad' canna. It has such a very pretty color.

  13. That first canna is amazing...I have so many gifted seed plants to try ASAP! Your's paid off, and a scent, too? Amazing. I think that whole collection above makes your steamy summers worth it...

  14. The Cereus is a pretty bloomer, even at night when most are not out to see it. I never had a Snake Plant flower either. It is a nice looking bloom.

  15. The Cereus is beautiful. I really like white flowers that stay open at night. They seem to glow.

  16. Love that you brought a new twist to bloom day. The stories behind your blooms were sweet to read. I never knew that Sanseveria could flower. It must love living in your garden!

  17. I love the stories behind your Cannas-so lovely and fun! The Cereus is also beautiful! Happy gardening!


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